Friday, January 29, 2010


When thinking of a miracle most often times we think of religion, specifically healing of the sick or afflicted, better defined as an act of God. However in reviewing my own life and hearing stories from others I believe a miracle is much more than what our human minds can comprehend. In my opinion a miracle should be without definition because it’s a miracle when a new person enters into your life for a short time. Maybe there is a prompting to go a different route to work which allows you to get there safe and unharmed. Most importantly it is a miracle that we have our life’s and the freedom to choose what we want to do and where we want to go in life.
When a new person enters into your life they are often defined by how they leave your life. Maybe there was a fight, maybe it was in their best interest to leave or maybe there were new experiences to be had and new people to be met. The miracle is that that person was in you life for a time and what you take away and learned from them. Maybe that person was extremely compassionate, maybe they were very service oriented or maybe they were just a good person. The miracle is that you had an opportunity to be with that person for a short time to learn, grow, and experience something even if it was just a friendly smile.
Have you ever had a feeling or prompting that you should go a different way to work so you do? Then when you get to work you realize that you were in more traffic than normal and it took a little longer to get to work. Well have you ever taken an extra second to ask what would have happened if you went the other way? Maybe you would have been car jacked or stuck in traffic a lot longer. It is always possible that you could have been in an accident. But you followed that feeling or prompting and you got to work safe. That feeling and change in plans was a miracle.
Now have you ever asked the question where did this world come from and how did we evolve? There are way to many answers to these questions and the bottom line is that there is no proof to any of the answers given. The one question that will never be answered with hard proof in this life is where the first cell came from. You know the one that started it all. So the biggest miracle of all is that we have this life and get to choose what we want to do and where we are going to take ourselves. The sad thing is this miracle is often the most overlooked.
In life there are many mysterious things. But out of all of life the greatest mystery is a miracle. It’s that one moment in time when God reaches out and touches a life. Now how that life is touched is determined by the viewers, I guess you could even say that it is all in the eyes of the beholder. I believe it is necessary for us to understand that miracle is a miracle no matter how big or small it may be. It is also important to realize that when you look deep into life and pay attention to the details you see that miracles happen everyday but often times they overlooked. Lastly we should remember that miracles are not comprehendible to the human mind and should be without definition.